October 01, 2014
D2 Technologies Showcases Its RCS VoLTE Solution.

April 22, 2014
Reality Check: VoLTE battery issues? Not really.

April 10, 2014
LTE Innovation Summit: The promise, challenges of LTE.

July 19, 2013
Shades of VoLTE.

February 27, 2013
D2 & BroadSoft Test VoLTE.

February 27, 2013
D2 Technologies Enhances mCUE 4G.

February 27, 2013
Software Optimizes VoLTE And RCS Services.

February 26, 2013
D2 Works With VoLTE & Nvidia.

February 25th, 2013
D2 Technologies provides NVIDIA with VoLTE software By Doug Mohney.

January 22, 2013
D2 Technologies Helps Power NVIDIA's VoLTE Capabilities.

January 22, 2013
Icera's i500 Modem Detailed.

September 24, 2012
D2 to participate in the RCS VoLTE Interoperability Testing.

September 5, 2012
D2 to participate in the RCS VoLTE Interoperability Testing.

August 29, 2012
Lantiq, D2 and Ecrio plan for VoLTE system.

August 23, 2012
Lantiq in Pact with D2 Technologies and Ecrio.

August 22, 2012
Lantiq Teams with D2 Technologies for 4G Voice.

August 22, 2012
Lantiq Prepares for VoLTE Home Gateway.

June 20, 2012
D2 and Sequans tout turnkey VoLTE reference design.

May 8, 2012
D2 Technologies.

March 15, 2012
Mobile Unified Communications Get a Boost from BYOD.

March 2, 2012
D2 Technologies Partners with NVIDIA.

February 29, 2012
Rethinking the Form Factor of the Mobile Phone.

February 27, 2012
D2 Technologies Rolls In with SRVCC for NVIDIA.

February 27, 2012
D2 Demos Rich Calling Software for Android Devices.

January 30, 2012
Mobile Device Advances Panel at ITEXPO.

January 13, 2012
D2 Technologies推出行動裝置適用的mCUE 4G 協助電信業者架構IMS的VoLTE與RCS服務.

January 10, 2012
CES 2012: D2 Technologies dives into IMS-based VoLTE and RCS.

January 10, 2012
D2 launches mCUE 4G software for video calls over LTE.

January 9, 2012
D2 Technologies Launches mCUE 4G for Mobile Devices.

Doug Makishima's Discusses VoIP, V2IP, and the Future of Communications on ClearChannel's Tech Talk With Craig Peterson.
Listen to the

November 10, 2011
Mobile Unified Communications Gets Boost from D2 Technologies' mCUE.

November 1, 2011
D2 partners up with LTE silicon makers.

October 26, 2011
Release: D2 Technologies and Sequans Communications Collaborate to Showcase 4G VoLTE Communications Solution.

October 25, 2011
Sequans says Clearwire reliance is coming to an end.

October 24, 2011
Altair, D2 Team for VoLTE.

October 24, 2011
D2 Technologies Partners with Altair Semiconductor to Create Ultra-Low Power 4G VoLTE Communications Solution.

October 11, 2011
MSF Interop Test: 27 Companies Join Successful VoLTE Event.

September 15, 2011
D2 Technologies to Participate in MultiService Forum's (MSF) VoLTE Interoperability Testing Event.

September 7, 2011
D2 Technologies to Discuss Tablets, Mobile IMS Communications Solutions and VoLTE at ITEXPO West 2011.

August 29, 2011
MultiService Forum and GSMA Host VoLTE Testing.

December 22, 2010
D2 Technologies 2010: A Year in Mobile Unified Communications.

December 1, 2010
D2 Technologies Expands Android Support.

October 5, 2010
NGN Forum Launches Smart Energy Forum.

October 5, 2010
NGN Forum Launches Smart Energy Forum From ITEXPO West.

September 29, 2010
D2 Technologies to Discuss the State of 4G Device Deployment at 4G Wireless Evolution.

September 30, 2010
D2 Technologies' COO to Speak on 4G Devices at 4G Wireless Evolution.

June 14, 2010
D2 Technologies Showcases its mCUE IP Communications Interface over WiMAX on HTC's EVO 4G Android Smartphone.

April 28, 2010
eNsemble Multi-Core Alliance Gets Underway.

April 27, 2010
Group forms multicore alliance.

March 22, 2010
CTIA 2010: Enter the Handsets.

February 22, 2010
Don't Forget About Mobility!

December 15, 2009
Interest in Android Apps Among Developers Surges.

December 4, 2009
Trio of firms bring Android closer to WiMAX.

December 3, 2009
Agreement Could Bring About Smartphone for WiMax Use.

December 3, 2009
D2, Beceem, ECS Target Android.

April 8, 2009
D2 Demos VoIP Capability on HTC's G1 Android Smartphone.

February 18, 2009
D2s' SoftDSP VoIP Codec Provides Leading-Edge Performance for RMI.

February 17, 2009
D2 Shows Off its mCUE Communications Interface at Mobile World Congress.

February 2, 2009
D2 Shows WiMax Mobile Phone Design.

February 2, 2009
D2 Demos Reference Design for WiMax Mobile Phones at ITEXPO.

February 2, 2009
D2 Demonstrates Complete Reference Design for WiMax Mobile Phones.

February 2, 2009
D2 Demos Reference Design for WiMax Mobile Phones at ITEXPO.

January 8, 2009
vPort adds support for WiMAX, Femtocells, MIDs.

November 14 , 2008
D2 Technologies Taking Lead in Mobile UC.

September 29 , 2008
The Race is on for an Android Skype or VoIP Client.

September 8 , 2008
FierceVoIP Leaders: David Wong, CEO, D2 Technologies.

September 4 , 2008
Interview with David Wong, Chairman & CEO of D2 Technologies.

June 17, 2008
Webinar: Discovering Mobilized Unified Communications.

April 2, 2008
CTIA: D2 Targets Android for Unified Communications.

March 17, 2008
D2's vPort VoIP software on Freescale Semiconductor's MPC8323E
PowerQUICC® II Pro System on Chip (SoC) platform.
D2's embedded VoIP product, vPort, has increased its universal mobility capabilities by resolving the problem posed by firewalls and Network Adress Translation (NAT) traversal.

January 11, 2008
D2 Technologies mCUE Mobile Convergence Softphone Launches.

January 11, 2008
D2 Picks CES for FMC Product Launch".

January 11, 2008
D2 mCUE Software Lands First on Linux.

January 11, 2008
D2 Launches mCUE Mobile Convergence Platform.

October 31, 2007
VON: New world of unified communications on display.

March 19, 2007
Linux smartphone maker picks soft-DSP VoIP stack.

March 19, 2007
D2 Technologies Launches New Embedded VoIP Software.

March 19, 2007
Mobile phones: VoIP code fits cells, handsets.